*Please read this ENTIRE resource page before beginning the online registration process.
Online Registration is NOT fully supported on mobile devices. DO NOT ATTEMPT to use a mobile cell phone for Online Registration!
Before you begin the Online Registration (OLR) process, please gather the following information and read the directions carefully...
Household Information - addresses and home phone number
Parent information - work and cell phone numbers, email addresses Personal parental information needs to be unique. Do not use the same contact information for multiple people as this will cross information in our communication services. If you do not have two cell phone numbers, assign the number to one person.
Student Information - demographics and health/medication information
Three (3) Emergency Contacts (non-parent/guardians) – Full Legal Name, date of birth, phone number(s)
Medical information including provider name and phone number
Important Notes
There will be links for your convenience available throughout the process for more information or for help in the event you need to contact someone. (Such as this one: Guidance Clerk Contact Information)
Online Registration is NOT fully supported on mobile devices. DO NOT ATTEMPT to use a mobile cell phone for Online Registration! If you do not have access to a computer, laptop, or Chromebook, you may contact your guidance office for an appointment. Guidance Clerk Contact Information
Additionally, there will be an event scheduled for new families who may need assistance in person with enrollment that is tentatively scheduled for July 25th from 4:00pm-6:00pm (This is not required and is offered to support those who may need assistance.)
You are required to complete each section before moving on to the next section.
Required fields are marked with a red *.
You may exit and return to your application as many times as you need until you feel the information is accurate and you finalize your submission.
If you have returned to your application after exiting, and a red field is blocking your view of some text, clicking on the red field will remove it from the screen.
The district will receive the data exactly as it is entered. Please be careful of spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
If you are adding or updating an address and the address you are adding is not available in our system, you will need to contact your school. (Guidance Clerk Contact Information.)
Enrollment Documents
Students entering school for the first time are required to have all documents before their enrollment is complete. Returning students and transferring students may already have some of these documents on record. If you are unsure of what your student needs to submit for this school year, contact your school's guidance office. Please contact your student’s school for assistance or to set up an appointment time to deliver any enrollment documents. (Guidance Clerk Contact Information.)
Proof of Residency - a copy of a utility bill or a current lease/deed
Copy of Birth Certificate
Copy of Social Security Card
Kentucky Immunization Certificate
Physical Examination
Vision and Dental Examination - By January 1st
Copy of any necessary court documents dealing with custody of your student