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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for


Proficient Reading: 24%


Distinguished Reading: 19%


Proficient Math: 30%


Distinguished Math: 8%



Proficient Reading: 26%


Distinguished Reading: 13%


Proficient Math: 26%


Distinguished Math: 10%



Proficient Reading: 25%


Distinguished Reading: 7%


Proficient Math: 24%


Distinguished Math: 4%



James Mangels
Director of Personnel and Student Services

James Mangels


Employee Resources


Each certified staff member is required to participate in four days (24 hours) of high quality professional development annually. 

High Quality Defined:

High Quality professional development is defined in 704 KAR 3:035 Section (1)(1) as “those experiences that systematically, over a sustained period of time, enable educators to facilitate the learning of students by acquiring and applying knowledge, understanding, skills, and abilities that address the instructional improvement goals of the school district, the individual school, or the individual professional growth needs of the educator”. 



Frequently Asked Questions


Can our child enroll in Kindergarten early?


Can our child attend Trigg County Public Schools if we don't reside in Trigg County?


What is the difference between an absence and a tardy?


What is the attendance policy of Trigg County Schools?


What is an Educational Enhancement Opportunity (EHO)?


What is an Armed Forces Day or a Rest and Recuperation Day?











Can our child enroll in Kindergarten early?


Children must be five years old by August 1 to be eligible to enroll in kindergarten. However, if your child will turn five (5) years old before December 31, parents may request early enrollment to Kindergarten. Trigg County Public Schools will work with you to determine if your child demonstrates the advanced school readiness skills needed to be successful in school.  Please review all the information in the Parent Guide to Early Kindergarten Enrollment and contact the Primary School Guidance Office if you have additional questions or would like to submit your completed request.











Can our child attend Trigg County Public Schools if we don't reside in Trigg County?


This is a complicated question.  The answer depends on where you live.  We have varying contracts with the school districts surrounding us.  With some, families may freely choose as long as they complete the proper paperwork.  With some we have limited contracts that stipulate a reciprocal amount of our residents must be in attendance in their county for additional students to be added.  With others, new students cannot be added to the list unless they are children of district employees.  The best way to determine what fits your situation is to call the DPP's office and have a conversation.












What is the difference between an absence and a tardy?


A student is tardy if they miss 34 percent of the school day or less in one day. This can be checking in late, checking out early or a combination of the two. A student is absent if they miss more than 35 percent of one day. This absence is calculated as a percentage of the day missed. (This percentage and its calculation in our system is set by the state.)


For example, if a student checks in at 11:30 am, it is considered an “absence event” and will be calculated as an absence for more than 35% of the day. If a parent note were to be used for this absence, it would use one of the 6 parent notes allowed for the school year. 











What is the attendance policy of Trigg County Schools?


Students may have up to six (6) absence events and six (6) tardies excused by parent note for the school year.  Students must be signed out by the parent or emergency contact on file.  A “call in excuse” cannot be accepted in place of a note.  An actual note must be sent to the school of the student.  In order for an absence to be excused after a student has exhausted his/her parent notes, a note from a medical professional, or other documentation as outlined in Trigg County Board of Education Policy 09.123, must be presented.


After ten (10) events (absences or tardies) have been excused with a “traditional” doctor’s note, the parent will be required to obtain and submit a completed Trigg County Schools Medical Excuse Form (MEF) in order for the student to be excused.  This form may be printed from the Trigg County Schools website or obtained from the Guidance Offices.


The written absentee note (Parent Note, Doctor’s Note, Medical Excuse Form, or other valid excuse) must be received by designated school personnel within the first three (3) school days of the students return to school or the absence will remain unexcused. 


Any student who accumulates six (6) unexcused absences (of any percentage) or tardies, or any combination of six (6) unexcused absences and tardies, is considered legally truant and may be subject to court proceedings.  Please refer to Trigg County Board of Education Policy 09.123 which further explains truancy as well as excused and unexcused absences.


Rather than having a note faxed from a medical office, it is highly recommended that notes be hand delivered to your child’s school.  This way you can be sure of delivery of the note in a timely manner. If a note must be faxed, please verify it has been received before your three (3) day time limit has expired.  


Parents and Students can access Infinite Campus Portal online and via mobile app to view grades, attendance, and other information in real-time.  New portal accounts or password resets may be requested in the guidance office of your child’s school. 












What is an Educational Enhancement Opportunity?


An Educational Enhancement Opportunity (EHO) is trip or an activity of significant educational value that may enhance a child’s education. An Educational Enhancement Opportunity must be requested in writing by the parent in advance and must be approved by the Principal. Each student is entitled to a total of ten days per school year. An EHO is in addition to the student’s ten parent notes for the school year.












What is an Armed Forces Day or a Rest and Recuperation Day?


Students of military families are entitled to one day of absence for a Military deployment of a parent and one day of absence for a parent returning from a Military deployment.  If a student's parent is currently deployed out of country, when the parent has R&R leave the student may have up to 10 days to spend with that parent.  Documentation is required for these absences to be approved.  Armed Forces Days and R&R Days are in addition to the student’s 6 parent notes for the school year.